Rare and selected Nikka Miyagikyo Japanese Single Malt Whisky
The distillery Miyagikyo in 1969 after more than 3 years looking for a suitable site in northern Japan in the province of Honshu built, is completely surrounded by mountains and nestled between 2 rivers. The place was chosen by Masataka Taketsuru for whisky production because of its clean air, the right humidity for storage and plenty of clean groundwater for peat filtration. The single malt whiskys produced there impress with their elegance and purity and are in contrast to the harsh coastal conditions of Yoichi. In order to best implement the particular situation and characteristics, benefits the Miyagikyo distillery of the latest innovations to provide optimum control of the distillation process available. The entire manufacturing process is carried out with extreme precision with the aim of the distillate to produce as pure as possible to the velvety-soft style and delicate nature preserve. The pot stills are heated by steam to ensure a soft and gentle distillation at low temperatures. Another original aspect of Miyagkyo distillery is called the use of two patent stills, even after the name of the inventor, Coffey, which are housed on the same premises as the malt distillery. Although produced there Coffey whiskys are not included in the Miygikyo single malts, they are an important part is in all Nikka Blended whiskys.
The Japanese single malt from the distillery Miyagikyo deemed complex and simultaneously harmonious, is light and pure, with subtle floral sophistication. An elegant, complex malt whisky with medium body and silky mouthfeel, fruity aspects and balanced oak tones. Here we see the classic Japanese art of creating both a clear and precise flavor as well as a great intensity and Miyagikyo single malt whiskys received world numerous awards.