George T. Stagg 1990 Fall of 2005 Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 70,6% Vol. aus der legendären Buffalo Trace Antique Collection - Bourbon of the Year 2005 and best Whisky of the year 2005 in Jim Murrays Whisky Bible!
George T. Stagg wurde 1835 geboren und gründete im 19. Jahrhundert, dem goldenen Zeitalter des Bourbon, die Brennerei, die jetzt unter dem Namen Buffalo Trace bekannt ist, nahe des Flusses Kentucky. Der George T. Stagg Bourbon Whiskey zählt mit zu den bekanntesten amerikanischen Bourbon Whiskeys, gehört heute wie Buffalo Trace zur Sazerac Company und wird auch in der Buffalo Trace Distillery in Frankfort, Kentucky hergestellt. Der George T. Stagg Kentucky Straight Bourbon reifte für bis zu 17 Jahre in ausgesuchten New Oak-Eichenfässern, ist unverschnitten und ungefiltert und wird weltweit nur an einige wenige ausgesuchte Händler in kleinen Stückzahlen ausgeliefert.
Die Buffalo Trace Antique Collection bringt jedes Jahr fünf sehr begehrte Bourbons auf den Markt. Sie sind so rar, dass man sie sogar in den USA nur schwer findet, die begehrten Abfüllungen in limitierter Auflage innerhalb kurzer Zeit ausverkauft und bei vielen Händlern, die einige wenige Exemplare zum Verkauf erhalten, nur über eine Verlosung erhältlich sind. Die gilt insbesondere für die Flaggschiffe von Pappy Van Winkle, Old Rip Van Winkle, George T. Stagg, Eagle Rare, Sazerac und William Larue Weller. Das Rückenetikett der besonders designten Flasche bietet eine kurze Produktgeschichte zu diesem wundervollen Bourbon. Ein großartiger und seltener uncut und unfiltered 15 Jahre und 4 Monate alter Vintage 1990 Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey mit sagenhaften 70,6% Vol. von Buffalo Trace - ein Uncut and unfiltered Kentucky Straight Bourbon mit der höchsten Auszeichnungsstufe für einen Bourbon Whisky - nahezu genial - Whiskey of the Year 2005 und Bourbon of the Year 2005 - ein mehrfach ausgezeichneter Straight Bourbon und absolut rarer Whiskey für Kenner, Sammler und Genießer erstklassiger Bourbon Whiskeys!
George T. Stagg was born December 19, 1835, in Garrard County, Kentucky. While little is known of his early years, the impact his adult life had on the bourbon industry was quite impressive. Working as a whiskey salesman in St. Louis, he had the good fortune of teaming up with bourbon icon E.H. Taylor, Jr. Together they built the most dominant American distillery of the 19th century. A leading industry expert at the time declared the Distillery one plus ultra of its class, the best of the best. Stagg s salesmanship and financial acumen helped build the Distillery into one of the world s leading bourbon producers. In 1904, the Distillery was rechristened to bear Stagg s name, a title that was maintained for nearly a century. Today, Buffalo Trace Distillery strives to carry on the tradition of innovation and excellence of one of its famous forefathers. In 2000, the Distillery was honored with the prestigious Distillery of the Year designation by Whisky Advocate, the culmination of Stagg s work, begun nearly 150 years ago. Its numerous awards and outstanding reviews confirm its status as one of the world s great spirits.
George T. Stagg built the most dominant American distillery of the 19th century, during a time known as the Gilded Age of Bourbon. The George T. Stagg Spring of 1990 has been produced in response to consumer requests for a well-aged and barrel strength whiskey. This extremely hearty whiskey ages in new charred oak barrels for no less than 15 years and comes to us from a long slumber in Buffalo Trace s Warehouses I. Straight out of the barrel, uncut and unfiltered, this great bourbon whiskey ages for more than 15 years and 4 months and boasts the bold character that is reminiscent of the man himself. This batch was distilled in the spring of 1990 and bottled fall of 2005. This rare bourbon was named Worlds Best Whisky and was Bourbon of the Year at Jim Murrays Whisky Bible 2005. George T Stagg is of course the flagship release in the annual Buffalo Trace Antique Collection. It s pretty much right up there with the Pappy Van Winkle line in sought after bottles - one of the finest of Buffalo Trace s Antique Collection!
- 2016 - #3 of F. Paul Pacult s 24 Favorite Whiskeys of All-Time...Thus Far - 2012 release
- 2016 Gold Medal, Best Non-Age Statement Bourbon - World Whiskies Awards
- 2015 Top Five-Star Spirits - #3 - F. Paul Pacult s Spirit Journal
- 2015 Silver Medal - International Wine an Spirits Competition
- 2014 Extraordinary-Ultimate Recommendation - Chairmans Trophy Winner - Ultimate Spirits Challenge
- 2013 World Whiskies Awards - Worlds Best Noth American Whiskey
- 2013 Silver Medal - International Wine and Spirits Competition
- 2013 World Whiskies Awards - Worlds Best North American Whiskey
- 2013 World Whiskies Awards - Best Bourbon American Whiskey
- 2013 World Whiskies Awards - Best Bourbon American Whiskey 8 Years and Over
- 2013 Silver Medal - San Francisco World Spirits Competition
- 2013 Excellent-Strong Recommendation - Ultimate Spirits Challenge
- 2012 Gold Medal - San Francisco World Spirits Competition
- 2012 Excellent-Strong Recommendation - Ultimate Spirits Challenge
- 2012 Gold Medal - International Wine and Spirits Competition
- 2012 Number One Spirit in the World - F. Paul Pacults Spirit Journal
- 2011 Double Gold Medal - Best Bourbon - San Francisco World Spirits Competition
- 2011 Extraordinary-Ultimate Recommendation - Chairmans Trophy Winner - Ultimate Spirits Challenge
- 2011 Number One Spirit in the World - F. Paul Pacults Spirits Journal
- 2011 Silver Medal - Best in Class - International Wine and Spirits Competition
- 2005 Whiskey of the Year - Jim Murray s Whisky Bible
- 2005 Bourbon of the Year - Jim Murray s Whisky Bible
- F. Paul Pacults Spirit Journal rating: 5 stars/Highest Recommendation - Amazing, yet again - F. Paul Pacult
- Farbe: dunkler Bernstein / Colour: dark amber
- Typ: Straight Bourbon Whiskey - double distilled / beer still and doubler - Originalabfüllung
- Region: Kentucky - Frankfort
- Grain: Kentucky Corn, Distillers Grade 1 and 2 / Minnesota Rye / North Dakota Malted Barley
- Vintage: Spring of 1990
- Alter: 15 Jahre und 4 Monate / Age: 15 years and 4 months
- Abgefüllt: 2005 / Year bottled: Fall of 2005
- Fassart: New White Oak / Cask Wood Type: New White Oak - charred for 55 seconds
- Barrel Size: 53 liquid gallons / barrel selection: 95 hand selected barrels
- Warehouse: I / Floor: 2, 4 and 8
- Evaporation loss: 59,59% of the original whiskey lost to evaporation
- Stärke: 70,6% Vol. / Alcohol ABV% 70.6 - 141.2 Proof - Cask Strength
- Bottling Serie: Buffalo Trace Antique Collection - Limited Edition Release 2005
- Inhalt: 0,7l / Bottle Size 70cl / 700ml (Konsumenteninhalt 750ml / consumer content 75cl / 750ml)
- ohne Farbstoff / not coloured
- nicht kühl gefiltert / not chill filtered
- Flasche ohne Verpackung / Packaging without box
- Lebensmittelhersteller/Importeur: 113 Great Buffalo Trace - Franklin County Frankfort, KY 40601, USA
- Ursprungsland: USA - Kentucky / Country of Origin: USA - Kentucky
- limitiert, eine von 10269 Flaschen - seltener Sammler-Whiskey! / limited, one of 10.269 bottles - rare collector s whiskey!
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